Week Ahead Tarot Spread

What a #WeekAhead this is looking to be!! This combination #Oracle and #Tarot spread generates a high-level weekly overview alongside a daily focus.

Oracle Cards: Divine Circus Oracle
1. General outlook for the week
2. What’s going well
3. What needs work

Tarot Cards: The Crow Tarot
Monday through Sunday

Let’s get started with our Jumper (a card that REALLY wants you to see its message): The Empress
Hang onto your mothering, nurturing side this week. It’s a time for growing ideas, and putting in loving work to develop and grow your connections and your Self. Self care is important – both gentle pampering and necessary tough improvements.

1. Alice: New worlds are calling! The old rules no longer apply. Explore and adventure – there’s so much waiting for you to experience.
“New worlds, faces and places, Bring me the three face Of love, luck and laughter, Ever increasing, from now till hereafter.”

2. Ra! Ra! Ra!: You are stepping out of the darkness full of fear, doubt, anxiety, and frustration. The healing and comfort of Divine Light surrounds and infuses you.
“Light infuses all parts of me and my life with loving power, protection and peace. Ra! Ra! Ra!”

3. Red Countess: You KNOW your inner truths. Is there something you know you should be doing or acting on, but you’ve been delaying, procrastinating, making excuses, or just plain getting distracted by “noise” in your life? It’s time to knuckle down and get to it. The Red Countess brings that supportive little bird to sit on your shoulder, offering reassurance that it is time to set aside the doubts and distractions, trust your truth, and do the work.
“I know what’s true, and what to do!”

Monday – 5 of Wands:  There may be battles and conflicts at work this week as egos and priorities clash. Take your own ego out of the fight, and take on a mediator or facilitator role to help resolve the situation. Friendly debate can help move projects forward, when we recognize and honor varying perspectives and experiences.

Tuesday – Ace of Pentacles: Hard work reaps rewards. Your desires are within your reach – stay focused and keep on manifesting your dreams!

Wednesday – 6 of Wands: Victory! Your hard work is bringing success and encouragement, gaining the respect of your flock and fellows.

Thursday – Knight of Wands: Channel the energy of the charge, fly with confidence! Your enthusiasm is a much-needed ingredient for your plans to work. But don’t forget to watch where you step – balance your passion with a bit of prudence and planning to maximize your success.

Friday – 10 of Wands: This card pops the Beatles’ “oohhh, you’re gonna carry that weight / carry that weight a long time” into my head. The task you’re carrying out right now might have first appeared a little easier at first, but now that you’re committed and actually carrying on with it, it might be feeling more of a burden than anticipated. Take a look at how you’re approaching your tasks – can they be broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces? Can you shift how your carrying the load to make it easier or more efficient? Maybe ask some of your flock for help; crows aren’t solitary birds, and you don’t have to do it all yourself.

Saturday – Ace of Wands: Anyone else getting the message that this week is all about doing the work? My mental soundtrack has switched from the Beatles to Britney – You better work, [bird]!  THIS bird affirms that you are on the right path and success is laid out before you. You have Divine guidance and air support, so follow that golden road to your goals!

Sunday – The Moon: Sunday is a good day to rest and reflect. Take some time for yourself to look beneath the surface. Tune in and look at what you might be holding back or concealing, and what your intuition and higher Self might have to share with you. Whatever you’re hiding within yourself, trust that releasing it and being your whole, authentic, true Self can bring peace and fullness to your life.

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